A Benchmark Battle

It was a tremendous battle to witness: heaven versus hell; good against evil; light opposing darkness; the omnipotent One combating our adversary in spiritual warfare.


We heard it all during our prayer meeting nearly seven years to the day.


As twelve of us gathered together for our Tuesday night prayer, the invisible battle in the heavenlies became “visible” as the Lord spoke directly to our enemy,


“Who are you to mock the armies of the living God? You are a liar, a created being; My Spirit is in them and as I defeated you so will they, for I know no defeat. The gates of hell will not prevail.”


Only in the spirit can one truly feel exaltation and humility simultaneously.


The pure elation of victory, real and blissful; yet, equally balanced with humility and brokenness. For as the paired tears flowed—contradictorily in the natural, but conversely united in the spiritual—we all knew that it is only because of Him can victory be assured.


The Spirit continued,


“I am teaching them to ask for the miraculous, and miracles will be done. I am lifting the cloud that has covered them and you must go…Go!”


He concluded with an encouragement,


“Pray, pray, pray…Pray!”


In any game there is a play that shifts the momentum from one team to another; in any war there are benchmark battles that lead to victory. This is such a battle in our spiritual war. The unction to pray is pressing, the call for militant prayers strong, and the miraculous is just waiting to be released.


The time is now.


“And whatsoever ye ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”
– John 14:13


Let’s believe together, in Jesus name.

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.