A Fresh Word from 2012

Something that I had written from 2012 came up today and I felt it should be shared again. I have found His Word to be both timeless and yet freshly momentary all at the same time. 


“On Tuesday, April 17 [2012], the still small voice of the Spirit spoke in our church prayer meeting—another fresh word for the body of Christ—and we knew it was time to post again. Below is that word; may you glean all He has for you from the silence that has now been broken. 


“Mine is a still, small voice. You are weighted down with the cares of your life. You cannot hear me. And I ask you, why are you weighted down? Do you not believe that I am who I say I am?


“I want to lead you to a new place. I want to show you things about myself that you do not know. I long to. I long to. But you’re busy with the clamor. I want to teach you to still yourself in my presence and learn of me and truly sit at my feet and hear me speak to you, for there is much I want to say. 


“There is much I need to say. There is much that you need to hear and there is much that you need to learn. And I am patient, and I am not forceful. And I call, and I call, and I call. And I’m always there. 


And I wait. I wait on you. But I ask you—isn’t it you who should be waiting on me? Shouldn’t you wait on me? I want to teach you to learn to wait on me, and to wait in my presence, and to find your joy in waiting in my presence.


“There is a false religion out there that is full of activity and business—but they don’t know Me, and they don’t hear my voice. My sheep know my voice. And they’ve learned it from sitting in the green and quiet pastures—with the Shepherd. 


“There is no substitute for my Spirit, and there is no substitute for time in my presence. The truly wise know this. But it’s a narrow way. And I speak truth to you tonight and I invite you and I ask you to learn of me. I say to you, come unto me and learn of me.


I ask you to sit in my presence. There’s a work that my spirit desires to do in each one of you. But the only way I can work is when you sit in my presence and learn of me. 


“I tell you tonight, in the quiet stillness: This is me. This is my Spirit. These are my words to you. I am here. I manifest myself in many ways for I am God and I can do all things. But it’s best to know me in the quiet place where there are no distractions, and you can hear my voice clearly. 


“Truly it is simple. 


“It is simple as this. If you will come to me daily and sit at my feet, I will give you your daily bread. And it will be all that you need, for I am that bread, and I am all that you need.” 

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.