A Willing Generation

In my last post I offered the name “willing generation” to the (naturally ageless) generation of believers who see the Lord’s return. 


Since this naming is all subjective, no doubt there are several other names that could be given; however, I want to take this idea of a willing generation one step further. 


The obvious definition for willing means meaning “willingness, a freewill offering, a voluntary gift…This term can denote that state of being which allows a person to offer a gift or a favor to someone else without any thought of return or payback. The favor is not given out of any obligation owed by the giver; rather, it is the result of an overflow from an abundance within the heart.”


However, there is another definition that describes willing even more, as given by A. B. Strong: “properly (abstractly) spontaneity, or (adjectively) spontaneous.”    


A willing people will be a spontaneous people. 


Their childlike faith will respond to the unction of the Spirit regardless of location or task. 


The Last Days Willing Generation will go when He says “go” and speak when He says “speak.” 


They will go as did Ananias did in ministering to Saul the persecutor who was about to become Paul the apostle in Acts 9; they will speak, “Silver and gold have I none…but in the name of Jesus…” as Peter did to the lame man in Acts 3.  


As consistent with Kingdom of God paradox, the willing generation will plan to be spontaneous. 

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.