Afraid of the Dark…Or Maybe the Light

The Traveler’s Gift by Andy Andrews, contains some very valuable nuggets that I have used in sermons for some years now. I particularly like this quote:

“As children, we are afraid of the dark. Now as adults, we are afraid of the light. We are afraid to step out. We are afraid to become more.”


Why is it that I can be “afraid” of the light?


Certainly not limited to this trio, but here are three things I can think of that can make me fear the light:


1. Following the light in doing things differently. There is a comfort in routine that can easily morph into concrete rote despising any sort of change. So rather than deal with doing things differently, and growing in Him, I just shut off the light of change.


2. There are “night places” in my heart that I am not ready to relinquish to dawn’s first light. Thus, the curtains stay drawn for fear of the rising sun.


3. I am more concerned how someone else feels about me rather than the Lord, so I yield my convictions and beliefs to theirs.


Truthfully, in this world there will always be the cycle of darkness and light, both naturally and spiritually. Physically, day becomes night and night becomes day as ordained by the Lord. Similarly, though maybe not every 24 hours, there is spiritual cycle just the same.


As believers, we live in the Light—and He will then reveal aspects of darkness that, in turn, we need to bring back to Him.


How do I keep from fear in bringing those things to light?




Perfect love casts out fear.


Notice I said, “bring back to Him.” The Lord already knew of my darkness, whether it was stubbornness or sin or someone’s feelings, and loved me just the same. He loved me enough to shine His light on it, so I could be free of fear and not live in darkness. He loved me so much that He made a way for me to walk out of that night and into His marvelous day!


How can I really be afraid of that?

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.