
jesus first 100 days of ministry, john pace, pastoral books

Jesus’ First 100 Days of Ministry

(and why they matter)

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“You nailed a primary need for every minister. The paramount need for patience while you allow God to do His work. This work is very encouraging. I pray many are blessed by it.”

Jim Spivey, TN
Lead Pastor, Restoration Fellowship


“An instant classic for anyone in leadership. The writer’s concepts and commentary for the modern minister are based on scripture and experience that only someone who has been there can provide. Incredible inside and practical lessons anyone can take away from. Highly recommended.”

Michael Nelson, MO
Discipleship Training, Crimson House


from taskmasters to tambourines, exodus, john pace, discipleship book

From Taskmasters to Tambourines

an exodus narrative to spiritual freedom

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A gripping, dynamic narrative of both the Exodus story and your personal journey into freedom.