Preparing For That Day…By Not Judging
If I were to guess the one Scripture used to justify personal vice, the one I hear most often, is the well-known passage from the Sermon on the Mount: “Do not judge so that you will not...
If I were to guess the one Scripture used to justify personal vice, the one I hear most often, is the well-known passage from the Sermon on the Mount: “Do not judge so that you will not...
The Lord’s return was the major tenet of the Apostle’s teaching. After all, it was one of the last things they heard when Jesus ascended to heaven, “They also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you...
From the previous blog we saw were lawlessness is the backcloth of the Last Days. A key point in that post: when justice fails, lawlessness rules. To go one step further today, when lawlessness rules in...
Lawlessness will be the culture of Last Days; it will be the backdrop to the Lord’s return on that day. “Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion...
From 1991-2000 I traveled extensively in the ministry, visiting some forty states and forty-five countries, much of it through the air. When it came to airports back then, and especially international flights/airports, needing to arrive three to...
One of the songs that comforted me greatly in my Christian past was the Brooklyn Tabernacle’s rendition of “I am Not Ashamed.” Time, space, and context prohibits a detailed explanation of just why it ministered to me...