Having Ears To Hear: How Recognizing God’s Otherness Helps Us Hear Him

When it comes to learning of the Lord rarely does He just give a very simple and plain answer—there is always more to what He says that, more times than not, makes us ‘shake our head in awe.’


For example, to live we must die; to be ‘great’ we must serve; and the last shall be first.


There is an ‘otherness’ that Christ is, the Spirit that is God who constantly challenges the culture of the flesh with the enlightenment of our spirit by His Spirit. It is an ‘otherness’ that we live through the paradox found in the gospel. Not so subtly the Lord reminds us of this ‘otherness’ in His  constant use of, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” In other words, hear what He is saying in the Spirit behind the natural words of man.


Without a doubt, to hear Jesus in this way requires Spirit illumination, but it is an illumination that is both possible and essential as we forge ahead in these Last Days. A key to this illumination is found in his glorification: after Jesus was glorified He sent the Holy Spirit; after His glorification the disciples remembered (and understood) His words.


Seeing Him in His glory should constantly remind us of His ‘otherness’ and help us have ears to hear.   

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.