His Name…Wonderful Counselor

Depending on the translation, His Name is listed as either Wonderful and Counselor or Wonderful-Counselor in Isaiah 9:6.


I prefer the latter since all the other names listed are compound words.



But what is Wonderful-Counselor?



By description:


Wonderful means “a wonder, a miracle, a marvel. This word is used to represent something unusual or extraordinary. Except for Lam 1:9, this term always appears in the context of God’s words or deeds.”[1]


“He is called Counsellor because He comes to us as the Revealer of the Father’s will.”[2]


Thus, Wonderful-Counselor is One who miraculously, through words or deeds, reveals the Father’s will.


Which of course is just what Jesus did:


He was miraculously conceived;
He was the Word made flesh;
He was the revealer of the Father and always did His will.


I cannot fathom always—a…l…w…a…y…s…—doing God’s will.  But that’s what Jesus did.


He needed no counsel as what to do,

“He never sought the counsel of man, and He never asked for the advice of man. ‘For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?’ (Rom 11:34). God has no counsellor. The Lord Jesus Christ never called His disciples together and said, ‘Now, fellows, what do you think I ought to do?’ You don’t read anything like that in Scripture. The Lord called them together and said, ‘This is what I am going to do, because this is My Father’s will.’”[3]


But I need His counsel.


Thankfully He has been made unto me Wisdom. So, I read His Word, seek His face, and wait.


While I wait for His particular response in needed situations, I do know His over-arching will for me.


What is that?


To be like Jesus.


That is the will of God for me…to be like Jesus.



[1] Spiros Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Dictionary, E-Sword (Chattanooga, TN: AMG International, Inc., 1992).

[2] https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/isn/isaiah-9.html

[3] J. Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1981), 3:221


More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.