Lead Me Not Into Temptation

When instructing the disciples to pray, Jesus said, “…lead us not into temptation.”


It is interesting that Jesus would say such a thing.


Why would he say that?


Why would he say, “lead me not into temptation?”


I think one reason the Lord instructs us to pray those words is because He knows the real weakness of the flesh when it comes to caving to its pleasures.  He experienced it, every temptation known to man; yet, He was without sin.


We certainly don’t have that testimony.


I am amazed at the number of times, even when walking in a spiritual high, that I can entertain–even briefly–my own lusts.


Maybe that is why He says, “lead me not into temptation,” because that temptation is the first step toward sin…no step, no potential sin. And the Lord, in His love and mercy, wants to help us guard ourselves from sin.


Thankfully though, grace joins His love and mercy. For, like it or not, sin will occasionally manifest itself. Otherwise there would be no need to heed the Lord’s instructions in prayer to “forgive us our sins.”


So why then do we pray “lead us not into temptation?”


Overcoming temptation is a part of the Christian walk. We can never stop being led into temptation as long as we are in this flesh. We just don’t have to challenge ourselves to constantly prove we can overcome.


Hence the prayer request.


The truth is we can’t overcome temptation on our own, we must yield to the power of the Holy Spirit in us to keep enticement from conceiving sin. Praying to not be led into temptation doesn’t mean we are to walk in fear of it, but, I think, it is simply a sign of maturity to respect temptation’s power and our frailty.


I have learned the invincibility youth embraces morphs into meekness through the experiences of the aged.


And I have learned to pray, not just out of blind obedience but sighted understanding, “lead me not into temptation.”

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.