A Third Watch Prayer for America

A prayer for the third watch—that of spiritual battles. The third watch takes place from 12:00-3:00 am. I originally wrote and prayed this prayer for America in 2017. However, I believe it continues to be relevant today.



A Third Watch Prayer for America


My Father, I have never been aware, in my 60 years, of such an all encompassing volatile environment.


It seems that so many are on edge and have lost a civil filter in voicing it.


Respect is missing, courtesy is abandoned, and personal peace continues to decline. All products of an enemy who thrives in chaos and clamor.


Father, I ask that you would put down the darkness of hatred this country is experiencing and elevate the explicit definition of love as given by Your Son.


I pray:

…that You would silence the accusations of the brethren
that are so very prevalent right now.


…that peacemakers would rise up; I pray that soft answers would turn away the wrath so evident in today’s culture.


…to suppress the hatred the prince of darkness incites in all its forms; from the openly educated and their divisive rhetoric to the closed indoctrinated and their anarchical hordes.


…a revival of a love for one another that encompasses both friend and foe.


Father, exercise Your dominion in setting down the prince of this world and all of his invisible influences. Let Your visible love rise up in Your people, in Jesus’ Name.

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.