Seasoned Believers

In Luke chapter 2, we read the thanksgiving of two seasoned “believers” who had deep prayer lives. Anna, who worshiped the Lord with fasting and prayer night and day; and Simeon, whose intercession had ultimately resulted in a stunning revelation: He would not see death until he had seen the Christ; that is, Simeon would not see a natural death until he saw Everlasting Life. 


In The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Alfred Edershiem writes, 

“Simeon combined the three characteristics of Old Testament piety: ‘justice,’ as regarded his relation and bearing to God and man; ‘fear of God,’ in opposition to the boastful self-righteousness of Pharisaism; and, above all, longing expectancy of the near fulfilment of the great promises, and that in their spiritual import as ‘the Consolation of Israel.” 


Thus, as Simeon held the Babe in his arms, we pictured the impending death of righteousness under the law and the birth of righteousness through grace in the person of Jesus Christ!


Also, notice the difference in Simeon’s words based on who is holding the Babe: 

In his arms (Luke 2:28), it is a prayer of thanksgiving, anticipation of a joyful departure, and the universal impact of Christ. 

However, in Mary’s embrace (Luke 2:34), he speaks of the pain and anguish to be suffered. 


How the words of Paul to the Philippians define both: “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and may share his sufferings…” (Philippians 3:10 ESV). 


Simeon saw the fulfillment of a personal Word from the Spirit. He spoke accordingly, whereas Anna, the second witness against whom no objection could have been brought from such a consecrated life, testified in the streets that the Messiah had come. 


Again, Edersheim writes, 

“A special interest attaches to her who, coming that very moment, responded in praise to God for the pledge she saw of the near redemption. A kind of mystery seems to invest this Anna (Channah). A widow, whose early desolateness had been followed by a long life of Solitary mourning; one of those in whose home the tribal genealogy had been preserved. We infer from this, and from the fact that it was that of a tribe which had not returned to Palestine, that hers was a family of some distinction. Curiously enough, the tribe of Asher alone is celebrated in tradition for the beauty of its women, and their fitness to be wedded to High-Priest or King.”


For decades, Anna practiced her fasting and prayer discipline and was blessed to be an initial witness of the Lord—I doubt that was ever in her deepest desires. Yet, the Lord is faithful, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…” (Ephesians 3:20 KJV)! 


Begin a prayer with thanksgiving today; rejoice that you have experienced Life long before your death. 


Now, think of all those living in life’s twilight, saints who have endured the fight, finishing their course, and are ready to be released like a sentinel from their duty.  Pray the Lord’s encouraging Word over them, “…be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life” (Revelation 2:10)! 

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.