A Discerning Eye
Derek Prince writes in Rules of Engagement, “I believe that the hardest test we are likely to face—and the one we are least likely to pass—is success.”[1] He then offers the answer based on 1 Corinthians 7:25,...
Derek Prince writes in Rules of Engagement, “I believe that the hardest test we are likely to face—and the one we are least likely to pass—is success.”[1] He then offers the answer based on 1 Corinthians 7:25,...
A reading of Joshua 10:1-28 would give a helpful background to this post. A quick view, however, is how the five kings that aligned against Joshua after the conquering of Ai each are a shadow for different influences...
Jude articulates the Devil’s domain, “And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great...
“My voice is clear, my voice is pure, my voice speaks the truth and I say, come and cleanse yourself in my fountain! Come and cleanse yourself and be made clean! For it is a highway of holiness...
“Do not be deceived, for there is a deceiver out there and he lies when he speaks to you and he says that evil is good and good is evil. But do not listen to that voice.” ...
In my post last Saturday, I stated the following. “Not all discernment is as overtly supernatural like was seen in Peter and Paul, but all spiritual discernment must take root in the Holy Spirit.” And while...