

Being Careful

Lately, I have increasingly appreciated the various Bible translations as I have looked to expand my knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures. This is especially true today as we look at Deuteronomy 7:11. Notice the differences and how...

Fall to the Ground

In his book, The Pursuit of Holiness, Jerry Bridges writes,   “God wants us to walk in obedience—not victory. Obedience is oriented toward God; victory is oriented toward self. This may seem to be merely splitting hairs over...


A Heart for Revival is a 21-day prayer guide designed to quicken your spirit and focus your heart regarding personal and community revival.   (I’ll be sharing devotions from it each Tuesday for the next several months — though,...

A Willing Generation

In my last post I offered the name “willing generation” to the (naturally ageless) generation of believers who see the Lord’s return.    Since this naming is all subjective, no doubt there are several other names that could...

Generation What!?!

So which generation are you? They have names now, you know.   I wondered where the naming of generations came from…and found this:   “According to Peter Francese, a demographic and consumer markets expert, Baby Boomers were the...