The Gospel—A Friend to Sinners

In sharing the gospel there is a delicate balance between being a “friend of sinners” while still being against sin.


On the one side of the scale is your friendship and on the other side is the repulsiveness of sin and its self-destructing power. However, it is the balance’s rod of love that keeps the scales from tipping wrongfully.


“Meeting the felt-needs of the lost opens their eyes to the reality of God and allows them to make a vital connection between his power and His love for them.”
(Ed Silvoso, That None Should Perish, page 80)


Many still believe in the power of God, they just don’t believe God loves them.


In fact, praying for those felt-needs to be met while being an instrument to fulfilling those needs will help to usher in salvation for those in such great despair.


How are we to pray? First Timothy 2:1-8 offers a guide and specifically the last verse: “I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting” (v. 8 KJV). A quick definition of each:

1. Without wrath

Were there any miracles done out of anger? No! miracles are base from love and heartfelt prayer for the lost has its root in love.

2. Without doubting

Prayers that had nagging thoughts of skeptical questionings or criticisms behind the petition.

3. Holy hands

• “The holiness here is not that of position but of experience, of life” (Wuest).


In other words, because of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling power to live a separated life (remember the essence of the gospel mission), the believer can both be a friend to sinners and can offer heartfelt intercession without anger or criticisms for even for the vilest of men!

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.