The Need for We

Paul’s salutation in his first letter to the Thessalonians greeted them through God the Father. In his second letter he penned God our Father.



One reason would be to identify with the young church in their persecutions and afflictions. With the pronoun “our,” Paul encouraged them with the understanding they were connected spiritually even though they were physically miles apart.


He was letting them know they were not alone.


Notice also the plurality in his opening. The Apostle included Silas and Timothy as others who could also identify with the Thessalonians’ plight.


In fact, he used the term “we” 20 times in this letter as he offered the infant church encouragement.


The need for a “we” in today’s church is especially vital in a culture where “me” is so dominant.


Yes, while “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) there are some things that only a “we” can accomplish. In fact, there are some 30 New Testament commands where “we” (that is, where ‘one another’) is an absolute necessity.


The truth is we need each other in our Christian walk; there are some things we just can’t overcome on our own.


Wisdom said it well,

“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 NASB).


And then listed the benefits:

1. They have more reward for their labor (v. 9).
2. One can lift the other one up if he falls (v. 10).
3. Both can keep warm (v. 11).
4. They can prevail against another (v. 12).


Maybe today is the day to find that someone, the someone who shares our Father with us, and either encourage them, or be personally encouraged.


More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.