Victory Over the Designs of Our Enemy

I was drawn to this Direct Word from the Holy Spirit given nearly ten years ago. It quickened me again to heed His call and I wanted to share it with you.


“I am God. And I will not be silenced. When I speak every knee will bow and every ear will listen. I am the Lord God and I have ALL authority. I see every design that the enemy has on you. I see everything that he is bringing against you.
“I say to you that the [adversary] will present himself as a formidable foe to you, and he has measure of power,  oh, but he has only that which I have given to him and I have called you to prepare yourself and I have called you to put away the evil thing. I have called you to come to my feet and to purify yourself because even now I am calling together my army.  I am assembling my army and I am calling you to put away every idol and to dedicate yourself wholly to me.
“Oh I say to you the that prince of this world is raising up, I say to you he is raising himself up. But I say to you that I am preparing an army to do war. You will do war in your private lives and you will learn to trust me in those private places because I am the Lord God and I do battle.
“And I will bring victory, I will bring victory, I will bring victory, and I will help you. I will help you to destroy every idol.  And you must give them to me, you must give them to me, you must give them to me! You must love me, the Lord your God with all your heart. For in the days that lie ahead only those that love me with all their heart….
“Oh, if there is any way in you that is not my way the enemy will seek that out and he will find that. He will use that against you to draw you away. That is why I have called you to prepare yourself to seek my face! to seek my face! to seek my face!”


One way to prepare is meditating and praying Psalm 91. However, this Psalm has been called one of the greatest of the warfare Psalms; so let’s read it through the eyes of a spiritual warrior. Notice the armor, the protection, the enemy, and your authority as you read.


Now, let’s all allow the Holy Spirit to speak into our spirit today what He started specifically a decade ago!

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.