Do You Know Your Personal Mission?

We each have a mission…times two.


I believe that Jeremiah’s words apply to each of us today: “For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11 NASB).


Ultimately, we know that our future as born-again believers is an eternity with Him. We live with that hope. But I also believe He has individualized plans for us as we live out that hope in our daily lives.


Jesus had a personal mission during His earthly walk: “For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10 NASB).


As the body of Christ today, believers have the same evangelistic responsibility. However, exactly how that evangelism is carried out is as varied and unique as each of us are.


In fulfilling that call to seek and save the lost, Jesus also came:

• To fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17)

• As a light to the world (John 12:46)

• As a giver of life (John 10:10)

• As a caller to repentance (Luke 5:32)

• For judgment (John 9:39)

• To offer a choice (Matthew 10:34-38)


Jesus lived an abundant life, governed by the Scriptures. He was a light that brought a judgement to this world, yet offered a choice through repentance. We must seek to do and be the same within our limited design. And we must do it as we fulfill our life callings, from the classroom to the boardroom and everywhere in between.

Just how we accomplish that personally is solely based on His plan for us and our obedience to that plan.


In fulfilling our life’s plan, it’s very helpful to have a personal mission statement that supports our Christian mission. That is, how do we want others to remembers us as a Christian?


For example, Cornelius was known as a ‘just man’, meaning that in his life’s circumstances as a believer—whether good or bad—he functioned justly.


Take a moment and read Romans 16 and notice all the different ‘definitions’ of fellow believers.


Now wonder just what Paul would have written about you to the saints at Rome.


What would have been the defining characteristic in your Christian mission?


Mission times two…the first is that of every Christian, the second is your personal way in fulfilling it. Just what would you want written about you? Find it and live it every day, all for His glory!

More about John Pace

Pastor, teacher, mentor, and author based out of Springfield, Missouri.